The NASUWT believes that the climate crisis represents one of the greatest threats to peace and security and to the quality of life of our members and the children and young people they teach. Urgent and immediate action is needed to limit further increases in global temperatures.
The Union believes that education has a critical contribution to make to securing climate justice and a sustainable planet for future generations.
Education on environmental issues, climate change and social and economic justice is central to teacher advocacy for climate justice and securing the future sustainability of our planet.
The NASUWT is committed to working with organisations nationally and internationally to support the work of teachers in promoting education for climate justice and sustainable development.
Supporting sustainable activity by the NASUWT
NASUWT members, activists and staff have a key role to play in securing our commitment to environmental sustainability and climate justice and to be a net zero carbon union by 2050.
The NASUWT is committed to the provision of information, guidance and training for members, lay activists and staff to promote and deliver on its commitments to climate justice and sustainability.
The NASUWT is committed to challenging our suppliers, contractors, partners and other third parties to ensure that they are also working for sustainability.
The NASUWT is committed to securing environmentally sustainable solutions in respect of its buildings, assets, services, investments, travel and transport systems, communications, distribution, packaging and food sourcing.
The National Executive will report on progress annually to its members.
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