Find your local retired members’ group here
Retired Members will be contacted by their Retired Members’ Association (RMA) with information about its activities soon after switching to the Retired Member subscription rate.
You can contact your RMA Secretary by logging into the NASUWT website and going to My Local Association Secretary.
Retiring members can obtain information about their prospective RMA by contacting either the Federation of Retired Members’ Associations (FRMA) Regional Executive Member for their region or the FRMA Secretary or Development Officer. Contact details can be found on the right/below under Retired Members Resources.
Most RMAs also cover the area of several Local Associations - see the list below for the closest group to your location.
North East
North West
East Midlands
West Midlands
South West
South East
The RMAs and their six constituent regions
North East
Durham and Northumberland
More About Durham and Northumberland RMAThe Durham and Northumberland RMA aims to support retired NASUWT members in the region by:
Active members meet monthly for lunch at pubs across the region whilst we try to organise a programme of visits and cultural activities which celebrates our region’s unique heritage and geography. The Association pays for these visits when it is able to and welcomes both members and their partners or guests. |
More About Teeside RMATeesside is a small and very active Association with 111 members. Fortunately, the area is geographically compact making access to meetings and social events relatively easy. The Committee is hardworking and meets four or five times a year (this includes the AGM) at the local Municipal Golf Club in Middlesbrough - central for all members. All members are welcome to attend and are encouraged to do so.
The social calendar provides a monthly pub lunch using local venues and two outings a year. These are well supported and very enjoyable. Teesside also runs a walking group and organises a local walk at the end of every month. |
Hull and East Riding (Includes York) |
Yorkshire (Includes Bradford, Leeds and Sheffield)
More About Yorkshire RMAYorkshire RMA is the largest of the Retired Members' Associations with over 700 members and the first one to be formed, celebrating 40 years. The county covers a very large area but the Association functions as a single body with representation from the three areas. |
North West
Cheshire and North Wales
More About Cheshire and North Wales RMAWe are a large but very active RMA with more than 430 members distributed throughout both Cheshire and North Wales.
Information about campaigns on behalf of the retired generation is disseminated at our meetings. The Northwest REM is also a representative attending the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC). |
More About Cumbria RMACumbria is a small but very active RMA with more than 80 members distributed throughout the county. Our three aims in common with the NASUWT retired members’ organisation are to:
In a large but under-populated area with a scenic central mountain range, we spread our gatherings around the county and always aim to use venues with access by public transport. |
Lancashire (includes Greater Manchester)
More About Lancashire RMAThis is your ‘home’ RMA if your teaching career came to a close in an area bounded by the Lune, the Pennines, the Mersey and the Irish Sea, minus a large bite taken from the southwest usually referred to as Merseyside and Warrington which have opted to be part of Cheshire! |
Northern Ireland
More About Northern Ireland RMAOver 350 of your retired colleagues wish to invite you to join them when you leave teaching. |
More About Scotland RMAThe Scottish RMA covers the whole of Scotland from the Borders to Shetland and membership comprises of just over 100 members located over the whole country.
As we cover such a very large area, we attempt to vary the location of our social events but the majority will be in the Central Belt allowing easier access by public transport. |
Wirral (includes Liverpool and Merseyside)
More About Wirral RMAWirral is a medium-sized RMA with over 278 members distributed throughout The Wirral, Liverpool and Southport. Due to its geographic area, some members have to travel quite a distance to both committee meetings and social events. To combat this, in the past, we have tried to spread our gatherings across Merseyside each year, though due to low attendance, most are now limited to lunches in Wirral. Due to the falling numbers attending, for the past two years Cheshire RMA has invited us to have joint visits and lunches, for which we are very grateful. We hold our committee meetings at various locations to incorporate lunches in the area.
Information about campaigns on behalf of the retired generation is disseminated at our meetings. The North West REM is also a representative attending the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC). |
East Midlands
More About Derbyshire RMADerbyshire Retired Members Association provides its members with the opportunity to stay active and engaged in the business of the NASUWT. |
East Anglia
More About East Anglia RMACome and join us. |
East Midlands Three Counties (Leics, Northants and Rutland)
More About East Midlands Three Counties RMAWe cater for RMA members living in Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland, plus anyone close enough to join us, however casually, as we spread activities across our region. We do not expect a commitment, just let us know you are coming and join us when it suits you. |
More About Lincolnshire RMALincolnshire RMA was founded in 1997 and has flourished very successfully over the years serving more than 150 members in the large county of Lincolnshire. |
More About Nottinghamshire RMANottinghamshire RMA has almost 300 members.
We aim to plan a varied programme of activities which in the past have including:
Further details of our activities can be found on our Facebook page. |
West Midlands
More About Birmingham RMABirmingham RMA was formed in 2008 and is a very active Association. |
Coventry and Warwickshire
More About Coventry and Warwickshire RMACoventry and Warwickshire RMA has over 100 members and organises a programme of nine or ten events each year from suggestions put forward at the AGM. Most of these events consist of a visit somewhere coupled with an opportunity to eat together. Our events are organised by volunteers from our membership and co-ordinated through our Secretaries, so that the burden of organising the whole year’s programme doesn’t fall on one or two people. |
More About Dudley RMADudley RMA held its inaugural meeting in January 2017, following several months of preparatory work by a small group of recently retired members who wished to keep links with both each other and with the NASUWT. Since its inauguration, Dudley RMA has flourished. |
More About Shropshire RMAShropshire is a very large county and our RMA has in the region of 80 members. We have a very active committee, which organises around ten meetings a year. |
South Wales
More About South Wales RMAWe started our RMA in 2006 and still have some of the original members. |
More About Staffordshire RMAStaffordshire branch of the RMA covers the geographical area of Staffordshire which includes the two education authority areas of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. We are a growing branch with about 250 members currently.
West Midlands Three Counties (North Glos, Herefords and Worcs) |
South West
More About Avon RMAAvon is a very active RMA with a hard working committee.
We organise an event every month. These events are very popular and normally well attended. Our calendar is varied to suit our members’ interests. We try to use venues with access by public transport but, when this is not possible, we often share lifts. |
Devon and Somerset
More About Devon and Somerset RMAThe Devon and Somerset RMA has a membership of approximately 250 retired teachers. The area of the two counties is approximately 3,923 sq. miles, 10,159 sq. km. The group normally has nine social meetings a year, visiting venues along the M5 corridor, making it easier for members to travel to the chosen venues. We hold a popular ‘Grand’ Christmas lunch at the Tiverton Hotel. |
More About Dorset RMAThe total membership in Dorset RMA is around 100 and we are always looking for new members to get involved, especially with the committee. The AGM is held in February and all members are informed by post. In the same letter, we also ask that any members interested in social events request further information. We also ask for suggestions for new social events. |
More About Cornwall RMACornwall is a small but active RMA with about 100 members distributed across the county. Our aims, in common with the NASUWT Retired Members’ Association, are: |
South East
The Chilterns (Beds, Berks, Bucks, Herts and Oxon)
More About Chilterns RMAThe Chilterns RMA covers a large area: Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire. Our AGM is usually held in December or January each year and notification, together with a newsletter, is sent out to members. |
More About Essex RMAEssex is a large county and we have approximately 200 members. We were formed at the turn of the century. |
France+ (mainland Europe in or near France) |
More About Hampshire RMAFor many years the members of Hampshire RMA have enjoyed vibrant programmes of activities and support. We try to create a varied range of visits to augment the interests and social lives of retired teachers and their partners. |
More About Kent RMAKent is an active RMA with over 180 members distributed throughout the county. Our three aims in common with the NASUWT Retired Members’ Association are to:
We meet during the spring and autumn, spreading our gatherings around the county and seeking to use venues with access for members with disabilities. Our social events include visits to places of local and national interest, two general meetings at a central venue and a post-Christmas lunch, to which all members are invited. |
More About London RMAThe seeds of the London RMA were sown in 1980 with the inaugural meeting being held in November of that year. The founders were retired NASUWT members who had a close association in the Inner London Education Authority. Since then, numbers have grown to more than 400 and include those from the entire Greater London Region. |
More About Surrey RMASurrey is a small (100+) RMA with a core of about 15 activists.
We also recommend that should you run into any personal financial difficulties as a retired NASUWT member, you are entitled to approach the NASUWT Benevolent Fund for possible assistance. |
More About Sussex RMASussex RMA is a medium-sized but active RMA, with over 140 members distributed throughout the large county of East and West Sussex with more than 70 miles of coastline.
In a very large but over-populated area with many attractions, we spread our gatherings around the county and always aim to use venues known to have good eating facilities and nearby attractions. We combine some of our social events with committee meetings, to which all members are invited; one of them is the AGM, held in March in Eastbourne. We subsidise many of our events, such as the annual Christmas get-together and trips to the theatre and National Trust properties. |