NASUWT offers special subscription rates for students, newly qualified teachers and members on maternity/adoption leave, as well as rewards when you recruit new members. Previous years’ subscription rates are also included to enable you to claim back tax relief.

Introductory offer
Students, School Direct and Teach First
Newly qualified teachers
On maternity, shared parental or adoption leave
Claim back tax relief on your subs

Introductory subscription offer for new members

Any established teacher joining the union for the first time, and providing bank details for direct debit payments at the point of joining, will only pay £1 per month for the first three months of membership before moving onto the appropriate subscription rate for hours worked.

This offer is open only to teachers who have not previously been members of NASUWT.

Students, School Direct and Teach First

NASUWT provides FREE membership to students taking any route to qualified teacher status for the full duration of their training.

If you are currently undertaking or are about to start your initial teacher training, it is vital that you join a teachers’ trade union. You can join NASUWT online or email our Membership Team.

Teach First students moving into their newly qualified teacher period in the second year of their studies are entitled to our newly qualified teacher offer below.

Newly qualified teachers

Newly qualified, early career, beginning and probationer teachers

Newly qualified, early career, beginning and probationer teachers are eligible for free membership in the calendar year in which they qualify and further periods of reduced membership fees if they agree to make future payments by direct debit.

Teachers who qualified in 2024 are eligible to receive free membership for the qualifying calendar year and pay £1 for the next calendar year. This will be followed by a year at one third of the price of the full subscription and two thirds of the full subscription for the next year.

This means that a teacher qualifying to teach in 2024 won’t pay the full subscription rate until 2028.

To discuss offers available, you can email our Membership Team or call on 03330 145550 (Option 2) between the hours of 9am and 6pm weekdays.

You can also join NASUWT online.

On maternity, shared parental or adoption leave

NASUWT offers discounted subscription fees for members who are on maternity, shared parental or adoption leave.

To find out more, please contact our Membership Team.

Please have the start and finish dates of your maternity, shared parental or adoption leave available when you contact the Membership Team.

The maternity leave subscription discount can only be applied when members inform us they are going on maternity leave. The discount cannot be provided retrospectively for periods of maternity leave previously taken.

Claim back tax relief on your subs

Full information about claiming professional fees and subscriptions is available on the government web page Claim tax relief for your job expenses.

Any guidance given by NASUWT is advisory and has no binding force, as decisions on individual claims will depend on the individual facts and circumstances. NASUWT does not recommend any particular organisation offering tax claims, as much will depend on particular individual circumstances.

Subscription rates in previous tax years

Please log in using the button at the top of the page to see details of subscription rates charged in previous years.

If you have never logged in before or you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgotten Password facility.

If you’re not already a member, why not join us?