The NASUWT is affiliated to Maternity Action and is supporting their campaign for rights for breastfeeding mothers.

The new Shared Parental Leave reforms allow mothers to share maternity leave with dads and partners from two weeks after the birth, but they don’t give women the right to breastfeed on return to work. This needs to change.

Ninety-two countries give women a legal right to breastfeeding breaks on return to work - but not the UK.

It is up to women to decide whether to breastfeed or not and it should be as easy as possible if this is what they want to do. Women should not have to choose between returning to work and breastfeeding their baby.

Working mothers should have the right to breastfeeding breaks and the right to somewhere private (which isn’t a toilet) where they can breastfeed or express milk.

Action Plan

The NASUWT has signed up to Maternity Action’s Action Plan to end pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work.

The Action Plan calls on the Government to act to prevent further discrimination during the current Covid-19 pandemic, particularly given the evidence which suggests that pregnant women and new mothers may be particularly vulnerable to job losses during this unprecedented time.

Further information can be found on the right/below.


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