Health and Safety Update
The NASUWT update on health and safety issues in schools and colleges for members and activists
Health and Safety Reps Handbook
Everything a Health and Safety Rep needs to know about your role, function and rights, including an alphabetical list of health, safety and welfare issues, as well as further useful resources
Health and Safety Questions for Employers Guidance
It is important that we ask questions of employers to ensure they have sufficient oversight, procedures and processes in place to guarantee health and safety in the workplace
Health and Safety Guidance for Remote Meetings
Health and safety guidance for remote meetings with a handy checklist of dos and don'ts
Risk Assessment Toolkit
The NASUWT Risk Assessment Toolkit is a one-stop source of advice and guidance on ensuring the health and safety of teachers and pupils and the legal requirements on safety issues and contingency planning
Management of Health and Safety
Information and advice concerning health and safety management under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Is Your Classroom Safe and Healthy Checklist
NASUWT has drawn up a checklist of ten top priorities for a safe and healthy classroom that is easy to complete online and print for your records - because all teachers are entitled to teach in classrooms that are healthy and safe
Managing the Menopause in the Workplace
Our Managing the Menopause Toolkit aims to help Workplace Reps have a greater understanding of the menopause and provides a framework for negotiation and consultation when working with employers
Valued Worker Scheme
Information on the Valued Worker Scheme, a cross-union initiative recognising employers who treat their employees well and those who wish to treat their employees better, including how it operates and how employers can sign up
HSE Talking Toolkit for Schools
The HSE has published The Talking Toolkit for Schools, with substantial input from NASUWT, in a bid to get schools to talk openly and honestly about stress to help prevent problems or stop them getting worse
The NASUWT’s Health and Safety leaflets deal with a variety of aspects of health and safety
Administration of Medication
Disability Access
Electrical Safety
Fire Safety
First Aid
Hazardous Chemicals
Headlice and Nits
Health and Safety Duties
Health and Safety Inspections
Heating and Ventilation
Hygiene and Welfare
Lifting and Carrying
Management of Health and Safety
Reporting Accidents
Trips, Slips and Falls
Workplace Regulations