NASUWT is undertaking a process to identify and record information about members’ exposure to asbestos.
The issue of asbestos in schools is of great interest to many of our members. Asbestos-containing materials are likely to be present in all schools built before 1999. Over 75% of schools in the UK are known to contain asbestos. Common uses of asbestos in school buildings include ceiling panels and tiles, insulation boards, partition walls, heater cupboards, roof sheeting, gutters and insulating jackets for water tanks and boilers.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information about where there may have been exposure to asbestos in order to update our database of information and factual records.
Therefore, if you know or suspect you have been exposed to asbestos in the course of your employment, you should complete this form. It is important to remember that not everyone who has been exposed to asbestos develops an asbestos-related disease. However, for those who do develop a disease, the effects can be devastating.
By recording information about asbestos exposure on a permanent and structured database for all those members who know or suspect that they have been exposed to asbestos, NASUWT aims to assist any future claims for compensation.
The information you provide may help not only you, but possibly other members and their families.
We would ask all members who know or suspect that they have been exposed to asbestos in their current or former employment, no matter how long ago, to complete this questionnaire.