Early intervention 
  • Is there sufficient emphasis on early intervention in our high needs strategy? 

  • Is existing early intervention investment directed in the most useful and beneficial way for children and young people? 

  • Would we see benefits in investing further in early intervention initiatives, or redirecting existing investment?

Increased SEND support offer 
  • Is our SEN support offer sufficient and best targeted to enable children and young people’s needs to be met without an EHCP where appropriate? 

  • Are schools and SENCOs engaged with our SEN support offer? 

  • How effectively are we working with health and social care partners to ensure that children in school can access services without the need for an EHCP? 

  • Are parents and young people confident in the quality and availability of the SEN support offer?

Review EHCP assessment processes and thresholds 
  • Have we reviewed and robustly tested our EHCP assessment processes and thresholds? 

  • Is our annual review process fit for purpose, and does it truly consider the continued relevance of plans? 

  • Should we consider a review of EHCP cessations?

Culture change and work with school leaders 
  • Are the schools in our area encouraged and empowered to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND wherever possible and appropriate?

  • Could we encourage greater sharing of best practice among the schools in our area? 

  • Do schools and other partners share in our goal to manage the High Needs Block sustainably to the benefit of children and young people? 

  • Have we involved all partners in achieving the true aims of the high needs system?

Appropriate and thorough provision mapping (including potential development of more provision) 
  • Do we have sufficient provision within the LA or neighbouring area to meet current and anticipated needs? Is there an over-reliance on higher-cost provision, such as independent school places? 

  • How strong are our working relationships with neighbouring LAs in relation to joint planning and use of specialist provision? 

  • Do we have an appropriate sufficiency strategy in place for specialist provision? 

  • Are we maximising opportunities to place children in appropriate and cost-effective provision, such as mapping transition points for children and young people and working closely with parents?