The professional development review is the new performance management in Wales/Yr adolygiad datblygiad proffesiynol yw'r rheolaeth perfformiad newydd yng Nghymru
The professional development review is the new performance management. Take control of it now!
Performance management is changing.
It is vital that you get control of those changes to manage your workload.
This briefing will tell you what is changing and what you can do to manage that change.
Performance management is based upon the Appraisal Regulations 2011. It is important to note that these are not changing and that they take precedence over any change made in your school. They can be found at The School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2011.
However, the Welsh Government has introduced new guidance which replaces the performance management 2012 guidance document. This briefing does not go into the detail of the new process and members are advised to read the guidance carefully. This can be found at’s Professional Development Review page.
This new guidance reinterprets performance management and calls it the professional development review (PDR). The PDR is meant to be supportive, but it has the potential to be extremely workload-intensive.
This briefing shows you what you can do to manage this change to control your workload. However, this needs to be looked at urgently because the PDR is available now and may have already been introduced into your school or be on the way soon.
It is important to note the following workload safeguards that are in the PDR:
The school must plan to provide the time and space required to be an effective learning organisation.
PDR should support practitioner wellbeing.
One value of the PDR is ‘agency’. This is defined as ‘having the time and space to engage with, reflect on and map out your own professional learning journey to meet the needs of learners, within a supportive culture and environment’.
Practitioners are not expected to provide evidence against every descriptor of the professional standards.
Every school must have a PDR policy and all practitioners (except unattached teachers) at the school must be consulted.
In consultation, the role of the recognised trade unions should be fully respected.
Time must be allocated during directed time, as part of the school calendar, for PDR meetings to take place. These meetings must not take place at lunch/break times or during planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time.
The practitioner and the PDR partner (the new name for the team leader) are expected to agree development priorities. However, if they don’t, the PDR partner has the power to impose them. If teachers and members have priorities imposed on them, they can comment upon these in writing if they disagree with them.
The development priorities must take account of the practitioner’s professional aspirations.
To support the PDR plan, practitioners should have access to appropriate professional learning opportunities via Hwb and at a school level, along with the time to work towards their development priorities.
In-school professional support should be available for all practitioners.
The school will provide opportunities for collaborative working.
There is a statutory requirement for the PDR partner to observe the practitioner at least once during the review cycle. Rather than focusing on the number of observations, the practitioners and PDR partners are encouraged to give careful thought to the purpose, nature and desired outcome of the observations to ensure that they are constructive. Schools are expected to create the conditions whereby observation and other activities are seen as a valuable opportunity for professional development, continuous improvement and mutual support.
The workload threat of the PDR
Left uncontrolled, the PDR has the potential to be a workload nightmare for teachers in schools where teacher workload and wellbeing are not taken seriously.
This is because:
The PDR partner can impose development priorities.
There is a danger of practitioners agreeing to (or having imposed upon them) over-ambitious PDR plans which can create progress points throughout the year - which could create excessive work to attain.
The PDR specifically makes mention of drop-ins, learning walks and book looks which are stressful and workload intensive - giving the potential for bullying and excessive monitoring activities.
How to deal with the PDR workload threat
Members can respond to the PDR threats in the following ways:
It is required in the guidance and absolutely essential that NASUWT is involved in the creation of the school’s PDR policy. If your school does not have an NASUWT Rep, members should contact their Negotiating Secretary or email the Wales/Cymru Centre. The PDR policy should ensure that the values and principles of PDR are adhered to so that teachers are given the time and space to develop as practitioners. The Welsh Government and NASUWT want to see a supportive professional development process. It must not be twisted into a workload-intensive accountability tool. The potential to control this is at the beginning when the policy is being written.
Members should seek to ensure that the PDR plan is reasonable and that the way it is monitored is appropriate to the development priorities. Not all development priorities require lesson observations, learning walks, etc. This needs to be set out at the planning meeting with the PDR partner. It should be noted that the Appraisal Regulations state that only one lesson observation is required. NASUWT’s advice is that there should be no more than three observations in the academic year.
Members should ensure that they are given the time and space to achieve the PDR and that their break, lunchtime and PPA time are not used for this purpose. There has to be allocated time that should be written into the school calendar. This must not be an ad hoc arrangement, such as staying behind after school at the behest of the PDR partner.
Teachers are entitled to support for the PDR. This can be internal, but if that is not available, then the headteacher has the responsibility to source that support outside the school.
Collaborative working must be supported and teachers should be given opportunities to discuss their progress in a ‘safe place’. Members should ensure that this support is available to them.
The Welsh Government wants the PDR to be a supportive and developmental tool for teachers in Wales. However, they have not dealt with the potential within the Appraisal Regulations for bad practice of excessive monitoring and accountability which exists in many schools in Wales.
The PDR guidance requires schools to adopt a social partnership approach when adopting a new policy. This is an opportunity that must not be missed and should enable members to deal with the excessive workload drivers of the present performance management process.
Model PDR policy
To support consultations in schools on the adoption of a PDR policy, NASUWT has produced a model policy, which you can download on the right/below. NASUWT members can request that their school adopts this policy or they can use the policy to support the consultation process.
NASUWT advice
NASUWT advises all members to grab this opportunity.
Make sure your school’s PDR policy is teacher-friendly.
Your school is required to consult with you over the PDR policy.
NASUWT will support members collectively in any school where members suffer adverse workload pressures as a result of the PDR.
If you require for further advice or support, email the Wales/Cymru Centre or call 029 2054 6080.
Adolygu datblygiad proffesiynol yw y rheoli perfformiad newydd. Mynnwch reolaeth ohono nawr!
Mae Rheoli Perfformiad yn Newid.
Mae’n hanfodol eich bod yn cael rheolaeth ar y newidiadau hynny i reoli eich llwyth gwaith.
Bydd y ddogfen hon yn dweud wrthych beth sy’n newid a beth allwch chi ei wneud i reoli’r newid hwnnw.
Mae Rheoli Perfformiad yn seiliedig ar Reoliadau Arfarnu 2011. Mae’n bwysig nodi nad yw’r rhain yn newid a’u bod yn cael blaenoriaeth dros unrhyw newid a wneir yn eich ysgol. Gellir dod o hyd iddynt yma: Rheoliadau Gwerthuso Athrawon Ysgol (Cymru) 2011.
Fodd bynnag, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno canllawiau newydd sy’n disodli canllaw Rheoli Perfformiad 2012. Nid yw’r papur briffio hwn yn mynd i fanylion y broses newydd a chynghorir aelodau i ddarllen y canllawiau yn ofalus. Gellir dod o hyd iddo yma Adolygu datblygiad proffesiynol
Mae’r canllaw newydd hwn yn ailddehongli Rheoli Perfformiad ac yn ei alw’n Adolygu Datblygiad Proffesiynol (ADP). Mae’r ADP i fod i fod yn gefnogol, ond mae ganddo’r potensial i fod yn drwm iawn o ran llwyth gwaith.
Mae’r papur briffio hwn yn dangos i chi beth allwch chi ei wneud i reoli’r newid hwn ac i reoli eich llwyth gwaith. Mae angen edrych ar hyn ar frys oherwydd mae’r ADP ar gael i ysgolion yn barod ac efallai ei fod eisoes wedi’i gyflwyno i’ch ysgol, neu ar y ffordd yn fuan.
Mae’n bwysig nodi’r mesurau diogelu llwyth gwaith canlynol sydd yn y ADP:
Rhaid i’r ysgol gynllunio i ddarparu yr amser a’r gofod sydd eu hangen.
Dylai ADP gefnogi lles ymarferwyr.
Un o Werthoedd y ADP yw ‘asiantaeth’. Diffinnir hyn fel ‘Cael yr amser a’r lle i ymgysylltu â, myfyrio ar, a mapio eich taith ddysgu broffesiynol eich hun i ddiwallu anghenion dysgwyr, o fewn diwylliant ac amgylchedd cefnogol’.
Ni ddisgwylir i ymarferwyr ddarparu tystiolaeth yn erbyn pob disgrifydd o’r Safonau Proffesiynol.
Mae’n rhaid i bob ysgol gael polisi ADP a rhaid ymgynghori â’r holl ymarferwyr (ac eithrio athrawon digyswllt) yn yr ysgol.
Mewn ymgynghoriad dylid parchu rôl yr Undebau Llafur cydnabyddedig yn llawn.
Rhaid neilltuo amser yn ystod Amser Cyfarwyddiedig i gynnal cyfarfodydd ADP. Felly ni ddylai’r rhain ddigwydd amser cinio neu egwyl nac yn ystod amser CPA. Rhaid cynllunio ADP, felly mae angen neilltuo amser fel rhan o galendr yr ysgol.
Disgwylir i’r ymarferydd a’r Partner ADP (enw newydd yr arweinydd Tîm) gytuno ar flaenoriaethau datblygu. Fodd bynnag, os na wnânt, mae gan y Partner ADP y gallu i’w gorfodi arnoch. Gall athrawon, lle gosodwyd blaenoriaethau arnynt, wneud sylwadau ysgrifenedig ar y rhain a chynghorir aelodau i wneud hynny os ydynt yn anghytuno â’r blaenoriaethau a orfodwyd.
Rhaid i’r blaenoriaethau datblygu ystyried dyheadau proffesiynol yr ymarferwyr.
I gefnogi’r Cynllun ADP dylai ymarferwyr gael mynediad at gyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol priodol trwy Hwb ac ar lefel ysgol ynghyd â’r amser i weithio tuag at eu blaenoriaethau datblygu.
Dylai cymorth proffesiynol yn yr ysgol fod ar gael i bob ymarferydd.
Bydd yr ysgol yn darparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer cydweithio.
Mae gofyniad statudol i’r Partner ADP arsylwi’r ymarferydd o leiaf unwaith yn ystod y cylch adolygu. Yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio ar nifer yr arsylwadau, anogir yr ymarferwyr a phartneriaid ADP i feddwl yn ofalus am ddiben, natur a chanlyniad disgwyliedig yr arsylwadau er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn adeiladol. Disgwylir i ysgolion greu’r amodau lle mae arsylwi a gweithgareddau eraill yn cael eu gweld fel cyfle gwerthfawr ar gyfer datblygiad proffesiynol, gwelliant parhaus a chydgefnogaeth.
Bygythiad llwyth gwaith ADP
O’i adael heb ei reoli, mae gan ADP y potensial i fod yn hunllefus o drwm o ran llwyth gwaith i athrawon – yn arbennig mewn ysgolion lle nad yw llwyth gwaith a lles athrawon yn cael eu cymryd o ddifrif. Mae hyn oherwydd:
Gall y Partner ADP orfodi Blaenoriaethau Datblygu.
Mae perygl i ymarferwyr gytuno neu dderbyn gynlluniau ADP sydd rhy uchelgeisiol a allai greu gormod o waith i’w cyrraedd.
Mae’r ADP yn cyfeirio’n benodol at sesiynau galw heibio, teithiau dysgu a chraffiadau llyfrau sy’n straen ac yn drwm o ran llwyth gwaith ac agor y drws ar gyfer bwlio a gweithgareddau monitro eithafol.
Sut i ddelio â bygythiad llwyth gwaith ADP
Gall aelodau ymateb i fygythiadau ADP yn y ffyrdd canlynol:
Mae’n ofynnol yn y canllawiau, ac yn gwbl hanfodol bod NASUWT yn ymwneud â chreu Polisi ADP ysgolion. Os nad oes gan eich ysgol Gynrychiolydd NASUWT yna dylai aelodau gysylltu â’u Hysgrifennydd Lleol neu gyda Canolfan Cymru. Dylai’r polisi ADP sicrhau y cedwir at werthoedd ac egwyddorion ADP fel bod athrawon yn cael amser a lle i ddatblygu fel ymarferwyr. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru a NASUWT eisiau gweld proses o ddatblygiad proffesiynol gefnogol. Ni ddylai fod yn declyn craffu a monitro gothrymus. Mae cyfle ii reoli hyn ar y dechrau pan fydd y Polisi’n cael ei ysgrifennu.
Dylai Aelodau geisio sicrhau bod y cynllun ADP yn rhesymol a bod y modd y caiff ei fonitro yn briodol i flaenoriaethau y Cynllun Datblygu. Nid yw pob blaenoriaeth yn gofyn am arsylwi gwersi, teithiau dysgu ac ai, ac mae angen nodi hyn yn y cyfarfod cynllunio gyda’r Partner ADP. Dylid nodi bod y Rheoliadau Arfarnu yn datgan mai un wers yn unig sydd ei hangen a chyngor NASUWT yw na ddylai fod mwy na thri arsylwad yn y flwyddyn academaidd.
Dylai aelodau sicrhau eu bod yn cael yr amser a’r lle i gyflawni’r ADP ac na ddefnyddir eu hamser egwyl, amser cinio na CPA i’r diben hwn. Mae’n rhaid neilltuo amser penodol yng nghalendr yr ysgol. Ni ddylai hwn fod yn drefniant ad hoc fel aros ar ôl ysgol ar gais y Partner ADP.
Mae gan athrawon yr hawl i gymorth ar gyfer ADP. Gall hyn fod yn fewnol, ond os nad yw hynny ar gael yna mae’r pennaeth yn gyfrifol am ddod o hyd i’r gefnogaeth honno y tu allan i’r ysgol.
Rhaid hyrwyddo gweithio ar y cyd a dylid rhoi cyfleoedd i athrawon drafod eu cynnydd mewn “gofod diogel”. Dylai aelodau sicrhau bod y cymorth hwn ar gael iddynt.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru am i’r ADP fod yn declyn cefnogol, datblygiadol i athrawon yng Nghymru. Fodd bynnag, nid ydynt wedi ymdrin â’r potensial o fewn y Rheoliadau Arfarnu ar gyfer arfer gwael o fonitro gormodol ac atebolrwydd gothrymus sy’n bodoli mewn llawer o ysgolion yng Nghymru. Mae’r canllawiau ADP yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ysgolion fabwysiadu y dull partneriaeth gymdeithasol wrth fabwysiadu polisi newydd. Mae hwn yn gyfle na ddylid ei golli a dylai alluogi aelodau i ymdrin â’r sbardunau llwyth gwaith sy’n gyrru’r broses Rheoli Perfformiad bresennol.
Polisi enghreifftiol ADP
I gefnogi ymgynghoriadau mewn ysgolion ar fabwysiadu polisi ADP, mae NASUWT wedi cynhyrchu polisi enghreifftiol, y gallwch ei lawrlwytho ar y dde/isod. Gall aelodau NASUWT ofyn i'w hysgol fabwysiadu'r polisi hwn neu gallant ddefnyddio'r polisi i gefnogi'r broses ymgynghori.
Mae NASUWT yn cynghori pob aelod i fachu ar y cyfle hwn.
Sicrhewch fod Polisi ADP eich ysgol yn gyfeillgar i athrawon.
Mae’n ofynnol i’ch ysgol ymgynghori â chi ynghylch y Polisi ADP.
Bydd NASUWT yn cefnogi’n dorfol mewn unrhyw ysgol lle mae aelodau’n dioddef pwysau llwyth gwaith andwyol o ganlyniad i’r ADP.
Os oes angen rhagor o gyngor neu gymorth arnoch, e-bostiwch Canolfan Cymru/Cymru neu ffoniwch 029 2054 6080.