NASUWT dispute in sixth-form colleges and academies

Sixth-form college teachers in academies

The NASUWT ballot in sixth-form college academies highlighted to employers that it is unacceptable to withhold the funding provided for the 5.5% pay uplift for members.

As a result of the stance taken by NASUWT members in sixth-form college academies, a recommendation been made to pay this uplift and therefore when this payment is made, our disputes in individual academies will be resolved.

Please keep us informed on when that backdated payment is made, which we assume would be in the February or March salary payment.

Sixth-form teachers in sixth form colleges (non-academies)

Our disputes are ongoing in sixth-form colleges (non-academies) and are continuing to shine a light on the lack of transparency with which sixth-form pay is decided.

We know that a further £50 million pounds was allocated to FE and sixth-form colleges in April this year and we understand that there are no restrictions that would prevent this funding being used to backdate teachers’ pay to September 2024.

NASUWT has taken this opportunity to look carefully at college accounts. The majority of employers can afford to pay members the additional 2% over the seven-month period. This would be a further £350 to £550 per teacher depending on their pay point.

There is no excuse for colleges that are in a healthy financial situation not to pay teachers, particularly given the extra funding that will be provided in April.

NASUWT has identified significant levels of funding available to sixth-form colleges with around £500 million in reserves.

We will be contacting members in sixth-form colleges who voted in support of industrial action regarding next steps.

For the avoidance of doubt, we do not think the words ‘the employers side believes that firm reassurances have been given from Government that this differential treatment will not be repeated beyond this year’ are enough to resolve a dispute where there are significant reserves in many colleges.

Agreement has not been reached with the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) due to the two-tier pay offer.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said, ‘Whilst we welcome the decision of sixth-form college academy employers to pay in full a 5.5% pay award backdated to September 2024, it is simply unacceptable to expect teachers working in non-academy colleges to be paid less for doing the same job.

‘NASUWT members across England are sending a clear message to their employers that they expect to be treated fairly and equally.

‘All sixth-form college employers have the flexibility to use their existing funds, reserves and additional funding allocations due in April this year to deliver the 5.5% backdated award in full.

‘There is simply no excuse and no justification for any teacher to be denied a fair and equitable pay award.

‘We are today giving notice to college employers that they can avoid industrial action where they agree to provide teachers with the 5.5% backdated pay award to which they are entitled.’

Thank you to all our NASUWT College Representatives and members for supporting this ballot


Do you have an NASUWT Representative at your college?

If you do not have an NASUWT Representative in your college, this is an opportunity to elect a Workplace Representative or a team of Workplace Representatives.

Email the Sixth-form inbox if you or your colleagues wish to become a Rep or form a Reps Team and for further details of your Regional Centre.

Please note that our recent ballot only included colleges where our members are subject to Sixth Form College Association pay scales and terms of conditions of employment. These are available on our Sixth-form Pay Scales page.


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