Supporting you at every stage of your career
NASUWT is a democratic union and the only teachers’ union to represent members in all parts of the UK.
By solely representing teachers, NASUWT is also the most effective union representing your interests.
That is because our leadership consists entirely of qualified and experienced teachers elected by our members.
We recognise that everyone working in education deserves focused, specialist support for their respective roles. That is why NASUWT is committed to working with unions that possess the necessary expertise and skills to represent non-teaching staff, with their broad range of contracts and diverse responsibilities.
This allows NASUWT to focus on those issues important to you - the teacher.
We offer FREE webinars and seminars to complement your teacher training and first years of teaching, helping you with:
interview skills;
job application form tips;
behaviour management;
working assertively;
time management;
induction rights;
staying safe online;
voice care and wellbeing.
What our members say

We also offer a range of FREE professional development events throughout the year, timed to offer you the right kind of support when you need it.
We will email you invitations to relevant events taking place during your training, so please make sure we have your up-to-date contact details.
Final term of training
The job application and interview process can be daunting, so we arrange for an experienced recruitment professional, with a background in shortlisting and interviews, to share their experience with you.
They’ll also provide you with tips on how to get your ideal job.
Before your first term
In the summer after you qualify, NASUWT will invite you to our free development days and webinars on:
behaviour management;
voice care and wellbeing;
your induction rights;
staying safe online.
Winter of first academic year
At the end of your first term of teaching, NASUWT will invite you to a face-to-face development and training day.
Sessions will be relevant to current issues in teaching and will include topics such as:
dealing with trauma in pupils;
effective time management;
working assertively;
your rights in your second year of teaching.
Summer of first academic year
In the summer term, the NASUWT development day will help you revisit your experiences of your first year of teaching and help prepare you for the year ahead.
National Consultation Conferences

Once you have qualified and finished your initial teacher training, you will be able to attend other consultation conferences aimed at supporting specific groups of members. These events:
are FREE to attend;
provide a safe space;
provide professional development opportunities;
provide networking opportunities;
contribute towards the NASUWT agenda.
Your rights
As a student undertaking initial teacher training, you have rights and entitlements that NASUWT can help you understand.
Extending training
If you miss placements or significant parts of your training as a result of illness or unexpected life events, you may be able to negotiate an extension to your training year with your training provider.
You may wish to involve your student union with any course issues.
Additional in-placement support
If you feel you are not receiving the support to which you are entitled from your placement school, contact NASUWT for advice.
We can help you put your concerns in writing to ensure you have an audit trail.
Allegations and complaints
We are here to support you through informal and formal investigations. Our dedicated advisors and representatives are available to provide confidential advice and support if you are subject to a complaint or allegation while you are on placement.
Behaviour management
You will need to gain confidence, trust and respect from your pupils as an able practitioner, while getting to know the class/subject you are going to teach, including any issues or pupil needs.
It is also essential that you familiarise yourself with the behaviour management policy and ensure your behaviour management plan matches it.
Maintain order and discipline in the classroom. Here are a few tips.
- Set boundaries
All children and young people like order and good discipline, because it helps them understand what is required of them. From the outset, tell your class what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Spend some time setting out your personal behaviour policy.
- Use positive language
Tell pupils what you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to do! The message is ‘This is the way we behave in my classroom.’ The use of the word ‘Thanks’ after an instruction is much more powerful than the word ‘Please’ before.
- Stress that we all make mistakes
Making mistakes is how we learn, so allow your pupils to get answers wrong, to learn together and to solve problems together. That way they won’t be so embarrassed.
- Make sanctions fair and rewards regular
Children and young people recognise fairness and prefer to be treated as the individuals they are, rather than as just part of a difficult group. Keep your sanctions doable and commensurate with the rule that has been flouted. Reward appropriate behaviour regularly, with a smile, a stamp on their work and a word of encouragement.
- Be assertive
You need to be assertive in both your verbal language and your body language. Sarcastic teachers do not get the best from their learners; kind but firm teachers do. There is a big difference between engaging in banter with pupils you know well and putting pupils down. So always speak clearly and confidently, without raising your voice.
- Deal with anger in the classroom
It is impossible to deal with an adult or a child when they are in a temper. The best response is to remain calm and express your willingness to help the person once they are ready. Try to keep control of your own emotions whatever the other person might be feeling and, if possible, thank the rest of the group for getting on with their work. The class wants to see that you are in charge of the situation.
- Remember sense of humour
Remember your sense of humour and recognise that of your pupils. It’s hard for anyone to get angry or aggressive if they are laughing.
NASUWT has produced a range of guidance on managing classroom behaviour, which is applicable to all teachers throughout their careers.
There’s more...
NASUWT offers
Free student membership
Confidential advice
Cross-sector representation
Professional development throughout your training, first year of teaching and beyond
A range of benefit, including discounts on services and activities
Facing problems?
If you are facing any difficulties, try to address concerns at the earliest opportunity
Speak to your tutor or training provider
Call NASUWT for confidential advice if problems persist
When training
Free membership
Support on placements
Training and lectures through your training provider
Lifestyle benefits, discounts and savings
Final year of training
Finding Your First Teaching Post lecture to help you stand out for the right reasons and obtain your ideal job
Access to lifestyle benefits and services
Legal advice and support
When you qualify
£1 membership
Starting Out, NASUWT’s guide for new teachers
FREE CPD provision
Advice, support and representation for work-related issues
Induction Planner to help guide you through the induction process
First academic year
£1 membership
FREE development event in the first term
FREE development seminar or webinar in summer term
Active engagement with you, the member, to decide union policy
Access to a network of local volunteers and representatives
CPD training for members
Professional legal advice and representation
Free conferences and events covering current hot topics in education
Development courses and support for members wishing to become involved in the democratic structure of NASUWT
Save more
As an NASUWT member, you can take advantage of more than 250 discounts and exclusive offers on your home, car, electrical goods, eating out, leisure activities, retail gift cards, holidays and travel.
Our twice-monthly Benefits and Services eZine features exclusive deals, discounts and free prize draws.
If you do not receive this, please email the Membership Team or call 03330 145550 weekdays 9am to 6pm.
A small proportion of these offers will easily cover the cost of your NASUWT subscription and help you save more.
And, if you recruit other teachers to NASUWT, you can get Love2Shop vouchers too!
Check out or scan the QR code on your membership card.
Get involved
Encourage your fellow student teachers to join NASUWT.
Raise issues about teacher placements with the Union.
Speak to NASUWT about organising events that student teachers are interested in.
Promote free professional development events to fellow students.
Find out more on our Get Active pages.
Don’t miss out
Update your details and follow us
Changing address? Changing school? Moving house? Let us know.
[*] Examples are illustrations of savings that can be made. All offers are subject to change without notice.