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Dr Patrick Roach at TUC 2024 4

The anti-racism campaigning of the trade union movement continues to be as important as it has ever been, NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach told TUC delegates.

Speaking at Congress in Brighton Dr Roach said the movement was taking anti-racism action across the country and equipping activists with tools to build strong and cohesive workplaces.

This was vital and continued to be so following the General Election result for the Reform party and following the shocking rights in towns and cities.

Dr Roach,who has chaired the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce said: “Our anti-racist work is as important today as it was when we started the Taskforce.

“From Black workers being left exposed to die at work during the Covid pandemic, to our communities being attacked by racist thigs spreading racist hate on our streets and online to divide working class communities – the product of 14 years of Tory divide and rule.

“What we saw at the General Election – the misogyny, transphobia, the islamophobia and racism. The four million votes for Reform.

“Nigel Farage says he is coming for Labour. And that means he and others are coming for our members too.

“Well he may have our members in his sights but he hasn’t reckoned on us. Actions speak louder than words. We will defeat the racists and fascists by standing together – united, including by going to the Stand Up To Racism counter demonstration on October 26.

“By taking our anti-racism actions into workplaces and by equipping all of our reps and activists with the tools to build strong and cohesive worplaces at the heart of our communities.

“By putting the Anti Racist Task Force Manifesto and Tracker at the top of our union agendas.

“By organising, campaigning and bargaining. By winning more workers to join us and join in.

"Because when we organise, together we rise.”


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