NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union has raised concerns with Newport Council over the funding of a private company of educational advisors. Newport Council provides the lowest education funding per pupil in Wales whilst continuing to fund the South East Wales Education Achievement Service (EAS), a private advisory service that has had little impact on the achievement of pupils in Newport.
Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union, said:
“Our message to Newport Council is clear: prioritise schools when it comes to education funding. There is a crisis in learner behaviour in Wales and the money is needed in schools to reduce class sizes and increase support. That is the way to raise standards, reduce workload and improve the wellbeing of teachers in Newport.”
Neil Butler, National Official for Wales, said:
“According to a recent Welsh Government statistical release, no other local authority in Wales funds children lower than Newport. Delegated school expenditure per pupil is only £6,120 in Newport. This is the lowest in Wales and an incredible £913 less per pupil than the highest funding local authorities. Just think what could be done with that extra funding. But the situation is worse in Newport because, not satisfied with being the lowest funder, the Council has decided to continue funding the EAS.
“Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been taken from Newport children in the past year alone to fund the EAS, yet there is no meaningful and measurable improvement in Newport schools since its inception. We are all aware that funding is going to be really tight this year. It’s time for Newport Council to start prioritising the chalk face where the real work of education is being done.”