Teachers at Aurora Eccles and Aurora Whitehouse schools in Norfolk are taking strike action after their employer threatened to remove them from the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) under threat of being sacked.
The Aurora Group runs publically funded schools for children and young people with special needs. The DFE have fully funded councils to pay for increased employer contributions to the TPS and the council has passed this funding onto Aurora. Aurora are however choosing to keep this money instead of passing it on to teachers, which means that teachers would be forced to move to a cheaper, inferior pension scheme.
The employer has repeatedly refused to negotiate with the NASUWT, causing great distress to our members.
They are left with no action but to take strike action this week and in the coming weeks to protect their pensions and their livlehoods. Further strike action is planned for Tuesday 23 April, Wednesday 24 April and Thursday 25 April.
Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT, said:
“Teachers at Aurora schools are perfectly entitled to remain in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and there is no legitimate reason for our members to be denied access to the pension scheme by this employer. It is disgraceful that the Employer is seeking to pocket DfE funding and worsen the conditions of hard-working teachers.
“We have been clear with the employer that we are ready to get around the table immediately to resolve these disputes. It is now a matter for the employer to recognise the urgency of the situation and come forward with a proposal that will be acceptable to our members if they are to avoid further strike action.”
Mark Burns, National Executive Member for Norfolk, said:
“School management at Aurora Whitehouse and Aurora Eccles have consistently refused to speak to us. Members have been left with no choice but to take strike action.
“This approach by the Employer will make teachers less likely to want to work at these schools.
“The employer needs to withdraw these proposals immediately, sit down with the NASUWT and resolve this dispute.”