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Poverty proofing education sign crossroad

Commenting on the NFER’s cost of living crisis on schools report, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said:
“The cost of living pressures on schools and families are seriously impacting on pupils’ learning and on schools’ ability to meet the needs of pupils on roll.
“The last 14 years of cuts are continuing to take their toll on children, young people and families across the country.
“Whilst Ministers have failed to tackle the depth, breadth and urgency of the financial difficulties faced by families, schools have been left to pick up the pieces, and tens of thousands of teachers are now regularly using their own finances to provide assistance to pupils in need.
“Alongside real-terms spending cuts, schools have become makeshift food banks and social security hubs whilst dedicated services for children and families have fallen victim to the funding axe.
“Schools and families cannot be expected to soldier on. Following this General Election we need a Government that will deliver a new deal for our schools and other children’s services, and greater financial security for families across the country.”


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