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Members of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union at The Bulwell Academy in Nottingham will be taking strike action tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday over adverse management practices which are having a negative impact on teachers’ workload and working conditions.

Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT, said:

“We have given the employer every opportunity to address the concerns of members about the way they are being managed.

“We remain committed to engaging in meaningful negotiations to find a way forward in the interests of staff and pupils. However, our members do not believe that adequate structures are in place to ensure the welfare of staff.
“Once again, we urge the employer to recognise the seriousness of the situation and to engage in discussions to resolve this dispute.”  
Anne Thompson, NASUWT National Executive Member for Nottingham, said:

“Our members are committed to the pupils at Bulwell Academy and are disappointed that it has come to this.

“For teachers, strike action is always a last resort and we remain committed to seeking to resolve this dispute as soon as possible in the best interests of staff and students.”


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