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Activist Resources
Your Role
Reps Resources
Critical resources for NASUWT Representatives, including model policies, the School Reps Handbook, Union Rules and key dates for union activity
National Executive Resources
A portal of resources for NASUWT National Executive Members (login required)
Local Treasurers Resources
Resources for NASUWT Treasurers, including expenses forms (login required)
Administrative Information
Activist Awards
Every year, NASUWT presents awards to winners in health and safety, young activism and recruitment categories during the NASUWT Activist Awards ceremony at Annual Conference
Everything you need to know about and participate in NASUWT elections from nomination forms to the process itself (login required)
Facility Time
Trade union representatives are legally entitled to paid time off from their regular work to perform their union duties and to undertake relevant training, as well as unpaid time off to undertake other trade union activities
Key Dates
Plan the dates of your Local Association meetings to meet important deadlines contained in the Rules of the Union and Standing Orders of Conference governing elections and participation in Annual Conference
Local Association Meetings
Find answers to your questions about the processes surrounding communicating with members to ensure that they are able to participate in the democratic processes of the Union
Model Rules and Constitutions
NASUWT model rules and guidance for Federations and Local Associations
Promotional Items Catalogue
Forms for activists and Local Associations wishing to purchase promotional items
QR Codes and Shortcuts
A searchable library of QR codes and shortcuts for the most useful pages on the NASUWT website
Rules of the Union
Get a copy of the NASUWT Rules of the Union, including a discrete copy of the Rule 27 procedure
Technical Advice and Support
Local Association Email Accounts
Guidance for activists on migrating from popular email providers to the NASUWT email system (login required)
Social Media Guidelines for Local Associations
Social media has revolutionised the way in which people communicate and Local Associations are encouraged to harness the benefits (login required)
Video Conferencing and Local Meetings
NASUWT’s preferred platform for virtual meetings, Zoom is free to download and members can join meetings through a web browser or by downloading an app for their computer or smaller devices