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Noticeboard Packs

Our Rep’s Noticeboard Pack has all the information in one place that will help you develop an eye-catching noticeboard using the following resources:

  • a board header, a contact sheet and a meeting template;

  • membership recruitment posters, including new teachers and a Recruit a Friend poster;

  • a Join Your NASUWT Team poster.

Open the relevant listing below and tap/click on a thumbnail to download the resource.

Noticeboard Pack (England)

Content Information

Covering Letter
What’s in the Pack

Noticeboard Templates

Contact Sheet
Meeting Notification Poster

Recruitment Posters

Early Career Teacher Offer
Supporting you at Every Stage of your Teaching Career

Join Your Team Poster

Join your NASUWT Team


Noticeboard Pack (Northern Ireland)

Content Information

Covering Letter
What’s in the Pack

Noticeboard Templates

Contact Sheet
Meeting Notification Poster

Recruitment Posters

New Teacher Offer
Supporting you at Every Stage of your Teaching Career

Join Your Team Poster

Join your NASUWT Team


Noticeboard Pack (Scotland)

Content Information

Covering Letter
What’s in the Pack

Noticeboard Templates

Contact Sheet
Meeting Notification Poster

Recruitment Posters

New Teacher Offer
Supporting you at Every Stage of your Teaching Career

Join Your Team Poster

Join your NASUWT Team


Noticeboard Pack (Wales, English)

Content Information

Covering Letter
What’s in the Pack

Noticeboard Templates

Contact Sheet
Meeting Notification Poster

Recruitment Posters

New Teacher Offer
Supporting you at Every Stage of your Teaching Career

Join Your Team Poster

Join your NASUWT Team


Pecyn Hysbysfwrdd (Cymru, Cymraeg)

Gwybodaeth Cynnwys

Llythyr Eglurhaol
Beth Sydd Yn y Pecyn

Templedi Hysbysfwrdd

Taflen Gyswllt
Poster Hysbysu Cyfarfod

Posteri Recriwtio

Cynnig Athrawon Newydd

Poster Ymunwch â’ch Tîm

Ymunwch â’ch Tîm NASUWT