2025 Recruitment Awards
Nominations for the Recruitment Awards in the following categories are open all year round:
Award for Best Communication or Organising Activity
This award is intended to recognise the variety and quality of organising activity and NASUWT communications at Local Association level and highlight examples of good practice that can inspire other NASUWT Representatives and activists.
Nominations can include a specific communication or communication strategy developed or an organising activity that has contributed towards building a stronger union. Examples might include activities who have increased member engagement, recruiting and supporting activists, or a specific event or campaign.
Nominations should include:
a description of the organising activity, communication or strategy;
the purpose of the activity, communication or strategy;
details of the target audience, why they were selected and how;
evidence of how the activity had/is having a positive impact on recruitment or organising;
information on distribution methods;
information on whether the communication or organising activity achieved its purpose;
a description of any resources used (this may include budget, materials, people, etc.);
any other relevant information.
Award for Best Initiative or Campaign to Engage Under-represented Groups
This award recognises the work of Local Associations to engage, support and include members from vulnerable and under-represented groups. This includes: Black [1] members; members with a disability; LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex) members; women members; and young members.
Nominations should include:
a description of the campaign;
confirmation of the desired outcomes and aims for the activity, such as to engage and empower members, build and enhance the NASUWT in a given area, or respond to a specific issue;
identification of the target audience;
the timescales over which the campaign took place;
a description of the resources used (this may include budget, materials, people, etc.);
any other relevant information.
The NASUWT uses the term Black in a political and inclusive sense to describe those who self-identify as African, Caribbean and Asian identities and those with a common and direct history of racism, racist oppression and diminished opportunities in today’s society.
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Recruiter of the Year Award
Nominations should include:
a description of what the nominee has achieved in respect of recruitment and workplace organising;
the impact the nominee has had on recruitment and retention;
details of any increase in membership or activists;
information concerning any positive difference made to the teachers within the school or workplace.
Representative of the Year Award
details of the most significant achievements in their Representative role;
information concerning the difference the nominee made for NASUWT members;
a brief statement on why the nominee became the Workplace Representative;
details of how the nominee made a positive difference to teachers within the school or workplace.
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Please use the forms on the right/below to make as many nominations as you want.
2024 Recruitment Awards
The Recruitment Awards were presented at Annual Conference 2024.
The 2024 Recruitment Awards winners are:
Award for Best Communication and Organising Activity Winner - Northern Ireland Officers
Our winners in the category of Best Communication and Organising Activity are the Northern Ireland Officers for their new communication and organising strategy, which resulted in their new NASUWT Northern Ireland magazine called 'Unitas'.

The Northern Ireland team listened to their members and launched the new magazine, which they use to bring a range of local issues into staff rooms for all our members.
The Recruitment Committee also wanted to highly commend the work of our Enfield Association in achieving a great turnout in both recent ballots. In the second ballot, they achieved a remarkable association-wide turnout of 69%. This was largely due to the work led by joint local secretary Keith Kilkenny and caseworker Tony Cuffaro.
Their success is also built on a firm foundation of active workplace reps and regular newsletters for members in schools, tailored to their own school in some way.
Award for Best Initiative or Campaign to Engage Under-Represented Groups Winner - Candy Mellor
The winner of Best Initiative or Campaign to Engage with Under-represented Groups is Candy Mellor.
Candy is the secretary of North Tyneside association and the chair of our North East equalities committee.
Candy has gone above and beyond in supporting under-represented groups and individual members, both regionally and nationally, including by organising workshops at regional conferences on subjects including mental health, supporting disabled and LGBTI members and tackling racism. She has also been instrumental in promoting awareness of the menopause and developing regional policies.
Candy, thank you for all that you do to promote equality and make sure our Union is truly representative of the teaching profession.
Award for Recruiter of the Year Winner - Julian Moody
Our Recruiter of the Year is Julian Moody. Julian works across the whole of the Oxfordshire federation as Recruitment Officer.
Julian represents NASUWT at recruitment events, ECT events and training and his services and talents are often called upon across the whole of the south-eastern region.
He makes a point of visiting the schools of all newcomers to Oxfordshire and delivering a welcome pack from Oxfordshire NASUWT.
Julian has been a member of NASUWT for the last fifty-six years and his devotion to the union is inspiring.
Julian, thank you for a lifetime of commitment to our Union.
Award for Representative of the Year Winners - Kris Tyas and Kerry Haines
The Workplace Representatives of the Year are Kris Tyas and Kerry Haines.

Kris and Kerry led their members tirelessly in a long-running dispute at their schools over pay.
They held firm in the face of an employer who tried to plead every reason possible for not awarding teachers a significant pay increase.
In the end, they helped win an award in line with that secured in the state-funded sector.
Congratulations to both Kris and Kerry and thank you for your work representing the members in your schools.
2023 Recruitment Awards
The Recruitment Awards were presented at Annual Conference 2023.
The 2023 Recruitment Awards winners are:
Award for Best Communication and Organising Activity Winner - Mike Fox
The winner of the Best Communication and Organising Activity Award 2203 was Mike Fox from the Allerdale Association.
Mike has been a School Representative during a difficult period and supporting members has been his first instinct, far ahead of looking after his own interests.
Mike has become highly regarded among members for his advice and support. Many issues arose during the pandemic, but contact time, pay, pupil behaviour and management behaviour have all loomed large. Regardless, membership has risen over this time and Mike has ensured all members were engaged, organising and communicating effectively. He is an excellent asset to the Union.

Award for Best Initiative or Campaign to Engage Under-Represented Groups Winner - John Naples-Campbell
The 2023 Best Initiative or Campaign to Engage Under-Represented Groups Award was won by John Naples-Campbell of the Highlands and Islands Association.
John has a long history of campaigning for LGBT-inclusive education. He has worked as a teacher trainer for Scotland’s Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) campaign and was the first teacher in Scotland to be given professional recognition from the GTCS for LGBT education.
John has been a consistently positive advocate for LGBT-inclusive education, a role model for other LGBT teachers and resolute in encouraging the teaching profession more broadly to engage positively with LGBT-inclusive education.

Award for Recruiter of the Year Winner - Sarah Walker
The 2023 Recruiter of the Year Award was won by Sarah Walker of the South Lanarkshire Association.
Sarah currently works at a primary school and through her positive promotion of the NASUWT has managed to recruit new members within her school.
Not only does she engage with colleagues in her school, but she also actively promotes the Union on social media, extending her reach to espouse the benefits of NASUWT membership.
Sarah thoroughly deserves recognition for her contribution to the Union, both locally and nationally.

Award for Representative of the Year Winners - Caroline Pitcher and Billy Crawford
The 2023 Representative of the Year Award winners were Caroline Pitcher of the Plymouth Association and Billy Crawford of the Northumberland Association.
Caroline has been the Rep at her school for about four years, making a substantial difference to the working conditions of members and helping to build membership in her school, from around ten members when she joined to a strong union body of 46 members, more than 70% of the total teaching staff.
Billy has been a Workplace Representative since 2019 and has championed safe working conditions, positive mental health and manageable workloads throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. He has recruited new members to our Union and always encourages members to voice their opinions and feelings at meetings.