The NASUWT hosted its first fully virtual Annual Conference in 2021. This allowed us to maintain the democracy, dynamism and debate that characterise the Union’s governance, while still conforming to our Rules and Standing Orders.
As always, the motions at the Conference were selected by a ballot of members to ensure that the issues debated truly reflected matters of importance to teachers and headteachers.
The motions highlighted the overriding concerns of teachers:
- Pupil and Student Behaviour
- Impact of Covid-19 on Teacher and Pupil Mental Health
- Impact of Inspection on Wellbeing and Workload
- Teachers’ Pay Structures
- Protecting Creative and Practical Subjects
- Ending Age Discrimination in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
Over the course of the Conference, the NASUWT also discussed A Voice In Every Workplace; Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Vulnerable Groups; League Tables and the Use of Data; Performance Management in Schools; School-Based Counselling; Funding the Cost of the Covid-19 Pandemic; Ofsted and Wellbeing; Bullying and Intimidation of Teachers; Malicious Allegations Against Teachers; Misuse of Public Funds in Academies; No Cover; Exam Systems; Decolonising the Curriculum; and Climate Change and Sustainability.
Conference Publications, including Conference Resolutions, can be downloaded on the right/below.
Conference Highlights
General Secretary Address to Annual Conference by Dr Patrick Roach
Download a transcript of Dr Roach's speech