Please note that these pages are available now, but the forms will not be visible until Annual Conference begins.
What the cards are for
Completed cards are submitted to the Standing Orders Committee, who will forward them to the President.
Speaker card
Representatives wishing to speak in any debate must complete a card giving their name and Local Association and stating whether they are speaking FOR, AGAINST or TO the motion or amendment.
Representatives will also be asked to indicate whether they are a first-time representative and/or a first-time speaker at Conference. This information is to enable the President to preserve a balance in debate and include representatives with a breadth of experience.
The President will call amendments to motions in the order shown on the Agenda.
In order to submit an amendment, a card should be submitted using the form on the link above.
An amendment must not be a direct negative of the motion.
An amendment must be relevant and not simply obstructive. It should seek to modify or amplify the original motion by deletion, addition or substitution of certain words.
An amendment may only be moved or seconded by representatives who have not already spoken to the motion.
The mover of an amendment has no right of reply to the discussion thereon. If an amendment is carried, the original motion as amended becomes the substantive motion; if it is lost, the original motion is again put before the meeting. In either case, discussion may proceed or a further amendment may be moved, unless the substantive motion is voted upon. Only one amendment may be considered at a time.
A card to move an amendment
Procedural motion
The following and only the following procedural motions may be moved and only at the discretion of the Chair:
that the speaker be further heard;
that the speaker be not further heard;
that the question be now put;
that the question be not put;
that the motion be referred to the National Executive for further consideration;
that the time for speakers provided by Standing Order 15 be reduced to a specified time for the remainder of the session or for the remainder of Conference;
that a motion allocated to Private Session be debated in public;
that a motion allocated to Public Session be debated in private;
that an urgency motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 8 be called for debate;
that a Standing Order be suspended for a specified purpose.
A card to move a procedural motion
Point of order
A point of order may be raised in the form of an inquiry as to whether something being said or done is in order. Any member, whether s/he has spoken or not, can raise a point of order at the discretion of the Chair.
A card to raise a point of order