Equality is at the heart of everything that the Union does: an injustice to one is an injustice to all

The NASUWT is committed to promoting equality for all of its members in order to achieve equal and fair treatment at work.

As part of our ongoing equalities work, we are hosting two Equalities Weekends in 2024 in which we will explore the current challenges facing our members with protected characteristics and the opportunities to secure more equal workplaces and a more equal society.

These conferences are open to all members and will provide an opportunity to influence the Union’s campaigning and advocacy work and how we develop as a lay-led organisation in which all members can be involved.

The themes will primarily focus on topics such as trans rights, equalities priorities for the next UK Government, breaking down the barriers to activism, and tackling harassment and discrimination, along with a number of CPD workshops.

These events will each take place over the weekend with sessions on both the Saturday and Sunday.

Weekend one

Saturday 29 June 2024, 10am to 3:30pm
Sunday 30 June 2024, 10am to 1:30pm

Theme 1: Equalities priorities for the next UK Government

2024 will see the election of a new Westminster Government and an opportunity to reshape the debate on equalities issues. The last few years have seen the emergence of a ‘war on woke’ and the weaponisation of equalities issues as part of the political narrative. What can elected politicians do to lead the public debate in a positive and responsible manner and is new legislation needed to protect those with protected characteristics, including gender, disability, sexuality, age, race and religion or belief?

Theme 2: Trans rights

The existence of trans people, and their equal participation in society, continues to be the source of much debate in the UK press and in political discourse. Trans people and their communities continue to face day-to-day discrimination and hate crimes. What contribution can the NASUWT make to securing the safety and legitimate rights of trans people in a way that commands the broadest possible support?

Weekend two

Saturday 16 November 2024, 10am to 3:30pm
Sunday 17 November 2024, 10am to 1:30pm

Theme 1: Breaking down the barriers to activism

NASUWT aspires to be representative of our membership and of the teaching profession in all its diversity, yet progress towards this remains slow and challenging at times. If we want to make a significant improvement, we must address some of the current practices that act as barriers to engagement for members from under-represented groups. What more can be done to encourage all our members to see Union activism as attractive?

Theme 2: Intersectional harassment and discrimination: the impact on members with protected characteristics

The Equality Act recognises in law age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation as protected characteristics. The same equality strands, including political opinion, are covered under multiple different forms of legislation in Northern Ireland. What more can the NASUWT be doing to address harassment and discrimination against our members who share one or more of these identities?

Please note, we have limited numbers available for these events and will be offering spaces on a first come, first served basis.

Under-represented Groups’ Safe Spaces

The Union values the safe space opportunities for those with protected characteristics and will therefore be hosting evening events open only to members self-identified from the following groups:

LGBTI Teachers’ Dinner and Networking Event

Friday 28 June 2024, 7pm to 10pm, ICC Birmingham

Young Teachers’ Dinner and Networking Event

Saturday 29 June 2024, 7pm to 10pm, ICC Birmingham

Black Teachers’ Dinner and Networking Event

Friday 15 November 2024, 7pm to 10pm, ICC Birmingham

Women Teachers’ Dinner and Networking Event

Saturday 16 November 2024, 7pm to 10pm, ICC Birmingham

Accommodation can be provided if required.

Book here for Equalities Weekend Two

Booking for Equalities Weekend One is now closed


A crèche facility will be provided for the November conference for those members who require childcare provision. Crèche places are allocated to members who are attending the event:

  • alone with their child(ren); or

  • with a partner who is also registered to attend the event.

To register for a crèche place, please email the Conferences and Events Team.

Disability access and dietary requirements

If you have any disability access or dietary requirements, please email the Conferences and Events Team as soon as possible.
Alongside these networking events, the NASUWT will host shorter consultative events online over the course of the year for Black, LGBTI, Women and Young members. Dates and times are to be confirmed soon.

Our Disabled Teachers’ Consultation Conference will take place on Saturday 10 February 2024 at the Hilton Metropole, Birmingham.

If you’d like to attend these equality weekends please follow the link below and complete the web form to secure your place.


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