NASUWT statement on far-right violence - August 2024
NASUWT sends its heartfelt condolences to the victims and loved ones of the horrific attack in Southport last week. The local community needs the support and space to heal and come together after these tragic events.
Regrettably, far-right elements have exploited this tragedy to incite racist and Islamophobic violence across England and Northern Ireland. We extend our solidarity to all those under attack.
These are not protests or expressions of free speech. They are acts of violence perpetrated by thugs attempting to fan the flames of racial hatred and Islamophobia.
Amidst the violence, we have seen the very best of our society too. People from all backgrounds and walks of life volunteering their time and coming together to help one another. From helping clean up to providing comfort or handing out refreshments, this is the true expression of our country’s values.
The racism we have witnessed did not occur in isolation. The riots of recent days are the culmination of years of marginalisation of many communities across the UK combined with anti-migrant sentiments pushed by some politicians and media outlets.
There will be many families of all faiths and backgrounds who will be especially anxious for their children’s safety both at this time and as they prepare for the return to school. We believe that action by governments and other agencies should be taken to ensure that parents and children, teachers and support staff across all of our communities are provided with reassurance and support.
We stand in solidarity with migrants and offer our continued hand of friendship. Our country owes a huge debt of gratitude to those who have chosen to live in the UK, both recently and across past generations.
NASUWT has a long and proud tradition of defending communities threatened by the far right. That work continues today and into the future.
The NASUWT is alarmed by the incidence of far-right extremism and hate crimes in the UK.
Over the last decade, the Government has peddled a hostile environment agenda which has created the conditions for hatred to flourish.
Official numbers of reported hate crimes have risen to more than 124,000 a year across England and Wales. Nearly three-quarters of these hate crimes were racially motivated, increasing by 12% in just a year.
In Scotland, almost two thirds (or 64%) of race-aggravated hate crime had a victim from a visible minority ethnic (non-white) group. This compares to four per cent of Scotland’s population at the time of the last census in 2011.
An estimated eighteen per cent of race-aggravated hate crimes had a victim of African, Caribbean or Black ethnicity. This was followed by Polish or other white and Pakistani, Pakistani British or Pakistani Scottish. The words used or actions taken by the perpetrator suggested an anti-Black prejudice and in over a quarter of cases prejudice was shown towards the Pakistani community. [1]
Unfortunately, the statistics for Northern Ireland are not as easy to access, but indications suggest that the latest statistics published in June 2021 showed an increase in hate crime. The June report shows there were 1,142 racist incidents and 839 racist crimes recorded by the police in the last 12 months - an increase of 251 more racist incidents and 238 more racist crimes on the previous year, with almost half (511) of the race hate crimes taking place in Belfast.
Racist hate crimes outstripped all other forms of hate crime in Northern Ireland. [2]
Schools are not immune, as children and young people are often exposed to hate speech on social media and elsewhere. More needs to be done to examine and address the problem of extremism within schools and colleges.
We believe that concerted government-level action is urgently needed to support schools in tackling the problem and to support pupils' and teachers who have been targeted and victimised.
Anti-racism must be central to the curriculum and schools and colleges must also be supported and equipped to provide a curriculum that challenges all forms of bigotry, prejudice and hatred.
We are developing a programme of work to support teachers to tackle the rise of the far-right and extremist narratives both in the community and the classroom alongside the TUC, other trade unions both nationally and internationally, and anti-racist and anti-fascist organisations across the UK.
Related NASUWT materials
The NASUWT is committed to anti-racism and to challenging the hostile racist environment that our members face. We have developed tools and resources as part of the Union’s ongoing campaign for racial justice:
The NASUWT framework on Anti-racism and Decolonising the Curriculum
The NASUWT’s Big Conversation on Racial Justice
The NASUWT’s Anti-Racism Action Plan
Celebrating Black History Month
Other important links and helpful information
TUC resources and guides to Tackling the Far Right
TUC report on The Rise of the Far Right
Hope Not Hate’s Teaching Resources
[1] Police recorded hate crime - characteristics: updated study
[2] Amnesty International UK Northern Ireland: Concern at hate crime ‘epidemic’ as PSNI report figures rise