Every worker has the right to be treated with decency and respect at work

The NASUWT is calling on the Government to repeal laws that allow schools to fire teachers and then rehire them with worse pay and working conditions.

Launching our Stop Fire and Rehire campaign at the 2023 Labour Party Conference in Brighton, General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach called for the ‘shameful’ practice to end.

Dr Roach spoke alongside Labour MP Barry Gardiner in a joint call to end the practice that allows employers to dismiss workers from their jobs before offering them the same job with worse pay, worse pension and worse working conditions.

Dr Roach said, ‘Fire and Rehire is wrong. It’s unfair and it’s unjust. It is morally indefensible and degrading, it damages staff morale and threatens productivity. This shameful practice creates a climate of mistrust between employees and their employer. It is bad for workers and bad for business.’

Dr Roach called for a ban on fire and rehire practices by publicly funded schools and colleges and added, ‘Nothing else will do.’

NASUWT calls on any future government to recognise the realities of the deepening recruitment and retention crisis caused by the detriments the teaching profession has faced since 2010.

Our briefings for members and Reps set out guidance on the Government’s draft statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement (Fire and Rehire). The Code is likely to be brought into force before the end of the summer holiday. You can download the briefings on the right/below.

Take part

The NASUWT has set up a template email that you can send to your MP to urge them to support our campaign to:

Stop Fire and Rehire

Tell them that employers should not be allowed to threaten teachers and other staff with dismissal if they refuse to accept changes to their contracts of employment which would mean worse pay, worse pensions and worse rights at work.

Join the campaign on X (Twitter) by using the hashtag #StopFireAndRehire.

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