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Please note these numbers are for media and press enquiries only

If you are an NASUWT member seeking advice or support, please use the details on our Contact Us page.

The NASUWT press office can be contacted on the details below
Ben Padley
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0121 457 6269
Mobile/out of hours: 07785 463119
Lena Davies
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0121 457 6250
Mobile/out of hours: 07867 392746
Rhiannon Stableford-Morgan
Email: [email protected] 
Tel: 0121 457 6239
Mobile/out of hours: 07393 792341

Press Office out of hours on-call rota

NASUWT press office contact for out of office hours media enquiries
31st January-6th February Ben Padley
7th-20th February Lena Davies
21st-27th February Rhiannon Stableford-Morgan
28th February-6th March Ben Padley



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